Emily Y

Emily Y
Emily started her career in the publishing industry in 1999, working on curriculum, magazines, books, and newspapers in the time since. She first became involved with Fort Worth Moms in 2013 as a writer. She became the managing editor in 2014. Twelve months later, she became the sole owner of Fort Worth Moms. She is also the host and founder of Momfessions Podcast. In 2014, she co-authored and released Legendary Locals of Fort Worth. She has also co-written a Bible study, Grace in the Empty Spaces. In 2022, she acquired Collin County Moms and Dallas Moms, creating the Beal Media publishing group. In 2024, she launched Denton County Moms.
Erinn Anderson and Emily Youree are Momfessions Podcast co-hosts

Happy Podcast Day, Momfessions Podcast!

You can find Momfessions anywhere you listen to podcasts. Subscribe and follow along as we talk about the beauty and burden of motherhood!
Flag football is a great option for young children.

5 Creative Ways to Support Your Kiddo’s Coach

Coaches influence our kids' lives for years to come, so let's show them some love. Fort Worth Moms partnered with Future for Football to give you creative ways to support your kiddo's coach.
Should moms send their children to school for the 2020-2021 year

New Kid at School :: Episode 101

Whether it is a brand new state, a new town, a different school, or moving up to a new building, the Momfessions team discuss every angle of parenting a new kid at a new school. 
Episode 70 reveals how much mothers forget; mama's done

Please Pack Your Own Lunch :: Episode 100

What are you DONE with??? Packing lunches? Laundry? Unloading the diswasher? Breaking up arguments?

About Those Siblings :: Episode 99

Are you raising siblings? Are you a sibling? This episode is allll about siblings -- our back stories and our parenting styles.

How the Infant Stage Built My Confidence as a Mom :: Episode 98

Confidence in motherhood is a fluid situation, an evolving status. For Jenn, the infant stage challenged her confidence AND bolstered it, becoming the foundation for confidence to grow.
School girls share a sandwich at lunch in the school cafeteria.

School & Food Allergies :: Questions to Ask

For food allergy families, navigating school -- whether for toddlers or elementary and beyond -- is very much a big part of school choice and school preparation. It is an extra layer to consider and, quite frankly, does require initiative and involvement above and beyond the more common school experience. So where do you start, and what bases should you cover? I have divided the answers to these questions into two sections: Reaction and Prevention.