
Emma is the wife of Ford and mother to four: Lewis (2010), Teddy (2011), Archibald (2013), and Addie Cate (2013). She is both a biological and adoptive mom and wouldn’t have it any other way. Emma and Ford tied the knot in 2009, and quickly went from a family of two to six. Before Texas was home, she spent her college years in Mississippi; and her childhood in St. Petersburg, Russia where her parents serve as Protestant missionaries. Though she is fluent in Russian, she doesn’t find much use for it on playdates in the metroplex. When she is not buying diapers in bulk, Emma enjoys re-reading Austen and Bronte novels, napping, and the occasional visit to the Kimbell Art Museum. She dreams of one day sleeping in, but till then she is enjoying the long, lovely days at home with her crew of toddlers and babies.

Here’s What Happened When I Quit Drinking Coffee

I'll preface this piece by stating that I am not a doctor, nor am I dispensing medical advice. I'll also add that I have an auto-immune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, that causes some pain, inflammation,...

Children’s Books for African-American History Month

In observance of black history month this February, I compiled a list of books that highlight racial diversity and celebrate African-American history. Here are 10 books that caught my eye; and as an added...
boy on road with sensory processing disorder

When Special Needs Aren’t Special Enough

For a long time, it felt like our son was falling through the cracks. We had several specialists recommend ABA therapy for him, but without a medical diagnosis, insurance won't cover that. Hence, the title of this post . . . I know I am not alone in this. There are thousands of other mothers out there, who know something isn't quite adding up with their child, but they can't put their finger on it.

Joining Club Miscarriage

If the title of this post seems glib, please forgive me. I have just been drop-kicked into a secret club of which I wanted no part. Miscarriage, defined as the loss of pregnancy prior...

What to Do (And Not Do) the Day Before Having a Baby

Let's talk a little about birth, specifically about the day(s) prior to your baby's arrival. Both of my pregnancies ended in scheduled induction, the first at almost 42 weeks and the second at 39...
box of kids toys

The Best Toys for Little Boys

Toys are a big deal in our household as they are in most homes with preschoolers and toddlers galore. Every mama has a niche where she likes to spend a little extra time and...

In with the Old & the New: Celebrating Easter Traditions

For me, Easter has been a bit of a tricky holiday. As a Protestant family, I strive to keep Easter focused on celebrating Christ's resurrection. This year, we won't do Easter baskets full...