
Heather has called the Fort Worth area home since 1995, after growing up as an Army brat and preacher's kid. She's married to her college sweetheart, Chris (Sic' Em Bears!). Their kids include Collin (1999) and his wife Elizabeth (1999), Cooper (2001), and Caris (2004). Heather is the co-founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization, The Adoptee Collective, which offers lifetime adoptee support and post adoption resources, as well as pre-adoption education. Heather is also a TBRI® Practitioner. Heather has authored and published multiple books and she finds joy in using her gifts, time, and energy toward her life goal to finish empty.
Placing American flags in your yard is a great way to show appreciation on Veterans Day.

“Tell Me Again, Mama” :: Stories of Our Heroes

Let's teach our children the importance of Veterans Day. We can do this every day by thanking men and women in uniform for their service, picking up the tab for a soldier at the coffee shop, and helping our children feel connected to those who nobly defend our country.
senior year

Surviving Your Child’s Senior Year {Checklist Included!}

Finding friendships that will inspire bravery for the big changes ahead will greatly enhance your coping skills. So, if senior year is hitting you square between the eyes, seek out moms who've been there and are there right along with you.
mom and child hugging

25 Rituals to Build Relationship Roots with Your Child

Raspberry jelly-filled donuts make me feel seen and loved. My husband and kids all know that when I was a little girl, my dad would take me out for this special treat, which became...
A lady takes the trash out.

5 Ways to Truly Help A Friend (Instead of Saying “Let Me Know How...

We've all said it and meant it, "Let me know how I can help." But, how often do we get an honest answer? Instead of asking, simply start doing. Here are five ways to truly help a friend in her time of need.
A mom holds her newborn infant daughter.

5 Truths Every Adoptive Parent Must Know

Adoption is a complex way to build a family, beginning from a primary loss experienced by all parties.
An older woman sits on the couch writing in a notepad with her computer open.

3 Things Your Empty Nest Self Will Thank You for Doing

I remember her gray hair and amused smile, there in the baby aisle at Target. I wrestled my two small sons very late in my third pregnancy. She clucked her tongue and said, "Oh,...
Take time to recognize the signs of burnout.

5 Ways to Cope with a Narcissist in Your Family

A narcissist is not just a self-absorbed person but is someone who functions in relationship with all-encompassing need to be admired and devoid of empathy for others.