I Miss You Already {A Letter to My Firstborn}
The morning before your sister arrived, you woke up extra early. Like usual, your dad offered you a cup of milk, and you laid in my arms on the couch while you drank it....
Fabulous Local Gifts for Local Teachers
Your kids are getting restless, anxiously awaiting Christmas break. But first, Christmas parties and teacher gifts. As a teacher myself, I will tell you that some of the sweetest things I have ever received...
Easy Like Sunday Morning
I have learned not to complain to my mom about my kids and their antics. I am raising two children. She raised six. She has lived every story I have, many times over. I...
“You’re So Big!” and Other Things Pregnant Women Don’t Want to Hear
I was at a bookstore with my husband. We had just finished an awesome, overpriced dinner out, and our sweet toddler was home in bed, perfectly cared for by a babysitter. I rounded a...
How I Met Your Father :: Our Family Began on Facebook
Dear Son,
You are one of the friendliest kids I know. When we are in public, you smile and announce, "Hello!" to strangers. Every child you meet is a new friend. Sometimes, you even yell,...
Father’s Day the Sprouts Way {Sponsored}
Disclaimer: Sprouts sponsored this post and provided FWMB contributor Julie the sheer delight of choosing just the right items for her main man this Father's Day. You better bet the opinions and selections are...
Why My Toddler Is on a Leash
We all do things as parents that we swore we'd never do. We venture into parenthood with high hopes and concrete ideals, but, little by little, we learn to choose our battles, to do...