Why You SHOULD Compare Your Life to Others — A Lesson in Positivity by...
Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to stop playing the comparison game. Honestly, I don't think it's possible. It's a part of human nature. I'm here to tell you the opposite -- you SHOULD compare your life to others. It can, in fact, make you a happier, more grateful person. It's all about the perspective you choose.
Six Things Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Your Child’s Feeding Tube
Unless your child's surgeon or physician has personal experience with a feeding tube, they can't actually tell you much about the day-to-day of what to expect when you go home. In the two years that my daughter Avery has had her G-button, I've learned a few things that I'm happy to share with you.
The Reason I Don’t Limit My Daughter’s Screen Time
As for our family, we have been subjecting our daughter to “digital heroin” for quite some time, rather guiltlessly, I must admit. We rarely go anywhere without Avery’s tablet. Yes, I said it. Avery is not yet three and has her own tablet. It is used multiple times on a daily basis for a variety of reasons. I don’t know what we’d do without it. Now, before you go writing me off as a bad mom, let me explain.
What to Do When Your Child Won’t Eat . . .
You never realize how much of life revolves around food and eating until you have a child with a feeding disorder. And then, eating becomes your ENTIRE world. Discussions about breastfeeding, toddlers with messy...
Love My Local: Medical and Developmental Needs Edition
As someone who was born and raised in Fort Worth, I’ve always been proud of our city. Since becoming a mom of a child with “special needs,” both medically and developmentally, I’ve become even...
Parenting: More than 50 Shades of Grey
When it comes to making decisions, especially important ones, I like for things to be black and white. THIS is the right choice and THAT is the wrong choice. But, when it comes to the...
Five Ways to Support a Fellow Mom Going Through a Crisis
In my adult life, I have experienced divorce, the tragic death of a coworker, infertility, my daughter's LONG NICU stay, and autism diagnosis. Before you quit reading, don't worry! This is NOT an invitation...