Kristen D

Kristen D
Kristen D began her motherhood journey as a stay-at-home mom after the birth of her 1 pound, 8 ounce miracle daughter (2011). After two eventful years at home, she returned to teaching and swears that a day in a kindergarten class would be the greatest reality show ever made! When she isn’t molding minds, she can be found enjoying her hysterically inquisitive daughter. Together, they are navigating the uncharted waters of pediatric feeding disorders, feeding tubes, blended diets, and of course elementary school fashion. Kristen’s favorites include monogramming anything not moving, consuming brunch as often as possible, restarting the dryer to avoid ironing, and life as a newlywed!
baby reading

Avoiding the Dreaded “Summer Slide”: Encouraging Early Literacy During Summer Break

I am sharing this with you because it is absolutely imperative that your child continue practicing their reading and writing every single day over the summer break to maintain (at minimum), their current reading and writing level

Early Arrival: My Micropreemie Birth Story

All I can remember is looking at her father and saying, "We don't even have a camera. This wasn't supposed to happen today." He held my hand, and the pressure on my abdomen started.
Spring break staycation tips in Fort Worth, Texas and Tarrant County

Fort Worth Spring Break Staycation Destinations

If you are looking to break away from tradition and monotony (and the rest of the Fort Worth area spring breakers), check out a few kid-tested, mom approved adventures that are big on fun and low on stress.

Two Christmases: Sharing Christmas After Divorce

I have always prided myself on being good at sharing. Unless the sharing involved germs of some sort, or heaven forbid, my snacks, I have always been happy to share! Over the years, I...

Unlocking the Secrets to a Successful Parent-Teacher Conference

It's happened to all of us. You open your child's take-home folder, and there it is: the form to sign up for a parent-teacher conference. Whether you are eagerly awaiting this conference or dreading...
mom and daughter

Single Mommin’ Ain’t Easy: Lessons Learned in the Trenches

I will never forget the first night in our new house. The divorce was rolling along, and my daughter and I were going to spend our very first night in our own home. Something...

What Your Child’s Teacher Wants You to Know

Dear Mama, I see you. I see you because I am you. We both know there is nothing in this world that can so completely change your entire being on a primal level than becoming...