
Brandi is the proud Mrs. to her high school sweetheart, mother to 2 amazing little girls, Addisen and Charlotte, and a photography enthusiast. She’s a Fort Worth native who is intentional about her marriage and raising little ladies in today’s society. From a stay-at-home mom who avidly avoids housework to a lover of designer duds who shops the clearance racks, she’s a walking contradiction. Join her candid discussion on all things wife and mom at and follow her lovable wit on Twitter.

Load ‘Em Up, Move ‘Em Out

As I sit down to write this final post, I'm surrounded by boxes containing all the "things" that represent my life. The home my husband and I have been building for the last 11...

The Busy Mom’s Garden

I'm about as far as you can get from a gardening expert. In fact, I'm terrified of most of the animals sharing my yard, including, but not limited to, a very large lizard I've...

My Husband Rocks!

In April, my husband and I will hit the point where we've been together for more years than of our lives, than we've been apart. We've been together for almost 17 years, married for...

Easy, Oven Roasted Chicken

How often does your family depend upon the rotisserie chickens from the deli at your local grocery store? If your family is anything like mine, I'm sure it's pretty often! Those rotisserie chickens are...

Cornstarch Fun

I am the exact opposite of a Pinterest Mom. In fact, I think a visit to Pinterest gave me hives once. Frankly, I don't enjoy being crafty so having young children can cause some...

Is Fair, Fair?

Fairness is a concept we start to explore at a very young age. There is no greater lesson about fairness than living with two little girls. The little one constantly wants what the older...

When Sick Kids & Schedules Collide

I don't know about your kids, but mine never seem to get sick at a convenient time. I wish we lived in a world where kids never got sick. I truly hate to see...