21 Completely Random (But Totally Awesome) IKEA Must-Haves
You may not know that the Swedish-based megastore is filled with tons of hidden gems, and I feel like it is my civic duty to share what I have discovered! From children's toys to chip-clips, and from straws all the way to house plants, you may be surprised what made my list!
An Open Letter to Youth Coaches Everywhere
You have taken on a huge task -- one that most of us won't even consider -- and your influence is far-reaching. What you are doing out there on that field isn't about the trophy, it isn't about being the best team, and it honestly isn't even about the sport.
Fresh Flowers on a Budget
Since being married, our family has fallen everywhere on the financial spectrum, spending many years living a strict "envelope system" lifestyle. Even then, I managed to figure out a way to have fresh flowers in my home! I love the color, the life, and the warmth that they bring, and I always made sure that my budget (or lack thereof) never stood in the way.
The Perfect Attendance Award — Why It Needs to Go
It's one thing to encourage school attendance when your daughter is tired from a long weekend; being tired won't negatively impact other people. Making her attend school when sick and potentially contagious? Irresponsible.
Confessions of a Former Hustler
Somewhere along the way, I had created a paradigm in which there were only two types of people: hustlers and slackers. I realize this belief isn't reality, but it was my reality. If I wasn't going 90 miles an hour every waking minute, I felt like I wasn't giving it my all, and I felt guilty about it.
In Defense of the MLMer
However, as the months went by and I became more and more immersed in the network marketing culture, I realized how wrong my prior assumptions were. Network marketing may not be for you, but perhaps I can help clear some things up so you don't make the wrong assumptions I did.
Discount Shopping for Frugal — and Charitable — Moms
This girl loves to shop. This girl also loves a good deal! So, when I discovered and realized I could shop ridiculously good deals . . .