Black Moms Do Breastfeed {And Other Busted Myths}


Breastfeeding woes are hard on a mama's mind and body.Black Breastfeeding Awareness Week is a week that is important to spread awareness in our communities about breastfeeding and the benefits of breastfeeding our babies.

I approached this week with the question “Why was it important to me that I breastfeed my baby?” It wasn’t because my mom breastfed because in her generation breastfeeding wasn’t encouraged for black moms.

I felt compelled because I had access to resources like Facebook Group: Breastfeeding Support Group for Black Moms and black breastfeeding awareness week.

Groups like these, in addition to black breastfeeding awareness week, are why we can move forward to change the narrative and share knowledge. We can get folks to stop assuming our babies will be formula-fed. 

It’s time to bust some myths. 

Busted: Black Moms Don’t Breastfeed

The first myth I want to get out of the way is . . .  black moms have different myths. In my opinion, the biggest myth of all is that our breastfeeding looks so much different than that of another race. 

We breastfeed our babies, and it’s just as important to us as any other race that we provide what’s most healthy to our babies. We face adversity with our hospitals, that assume and do not ask if we want to see a lactation consultant. Black breastfeeding awareness week educated me in knowing what was available to me before going to the hospital.

Bust myths surrounding black mothers breastfeeding.Busted: Size Matters

Pregnancy boobs was probably my favorite thing about pregnancy. I’ve spent most of my life in the “itty bitty committee.” So, when I found out I was pregnant I assumed I wouldn’t be able to produce.

Luckily, your body transforms to give you everything you may need to provide milk to your baby. If you are worried about your A-cup boobie — you can stop worrying now. The size of your boob alone before pregnancy will not determine if you will be able to breastfeed your baby.

>> RECOMMENDED RESOURCE :: Breastfeeding Resources In & Around Tarrant County <<

Busted: Breastfeeding Is Free

Anytime someone found out I was breastfeeding my baby the first thing they would say: Well, at least y’all are saving money or at least it’s free. 

Every time I give that person the side eye. Though we are not spending $30 can on formula, it does not mean breastfeeding is free.

We work very hard to feed our babies and it takes hours to pump milk, it takes hours to feed the baby, and it takes a lot of time to teach our baby how to latch correctly in the first place. That’s in addition to spending money on breast pumps, nursing pads, nursing bras storage bags, and replacement parts.

Busted: Anyone Can Breastfeed

As much as “just breastfeed” people would like to think this is true — it’s not! Breastfeeding doesn’t come easy to anyone, especially women who suffer from certain hormone imbalances.

>> RELATED READ :: My Story of Surviving Breastfeeding Judgment from My Family <<

It’s worth saying — some women simply don’t want to breastfeed. And that is okay and none of my business!

Breast Feeding Milk

Busted: You Have to Cover Up in Public

It is not against to law to breastfeed your baby in public without covering up. I remember when I started breastfeeding, it was so important to me to cover up. I didn’t want anyone to see my boobs. By my second month of breastfeeding, I simply didn’t care because:

  1. It’s hot underneath the breastfeeding cover.
  2. My kid doesn’t like it, and he would pull it off any way.

So, breastfeed your baby the best way that works for you.

What is something you’ve heard about breastfeeding that you’re not sure about? Please share so we can discuss if it is a myth or fact.


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