Before I had kids, I kept a shiny, clean house, complete with an in-depth spring scrubbing that would have made Martha Stewart proud. These days, I'm doing well to keep the dishes picked up on a daily basis and...

Bedtime Battles

We have been so lucky with our children.  They have both always gone to bed very easily.  We rocked both of our babies to sleep every night until they didn’t want to be rocked any more.  With my first,...
Kids Lunch Box Featured

Packing a Preschool Lunch

I've hesitated to send yogurt (due to rule number two -- keep it easy to clean up), but our yogurt-eating skills have come a long way, so I'm almost ready to take that plunge.
During the month of April, public libraries are celebrating National Library Week. While this might not be a highlight for most of us, I am using it as an excuse to indulge in my greatest passion--children's literature. As a kindergarten...
DISCLAIMER: This is assuming you haven't already lost your mind for planning a vacation with toddlers in the first place. So, there we were: Two oversized suitcases; two stuffed-to-the-brim carry-on bags; a box filled with extra diapers, swimsuits, and toys on...

Let Them Be Children

My husband and I were chatting yesterday about our childhoods in comparison to how our kids are growing up. In many regards, I feel like our generation says (smugly), "We are doing this better." But I spend a lot...

Top Five Toddler Must Haves

Whether you are mom-to-be or a new momma, you can find endless lists of what you MUST have to survive the newborn and early baby stage. A few years go by and people start to think you are an...

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In + Around Tarrant County

7 Bike Shops in Tarrant County

Need a tune up, flat tire fix, wheel alignment, brake repair, or a bike itself? Visit these family-friendly bike shops in Tarrant County.