The are numerous ways you can make an impact in your community with the ones you love or surrounded by others. It makes a difference, no matter how big or small or how much time you devote. It just makes the world all that much of a better place.
The movement encourages connection to everyday activism and engagement within our local communities -- meaning you can give time, labor, and other tangible resources as well. This is a perfect time to reach out to the organizations you love that are doing the work you greatly admire and say, “Hey, do you need anything?”
It is important to help each child identify personal strengths and supportive relationships. This helps victims of bullies become resilient and realize there are people who love and care for them as people no matter what someone else says.
This year, we partnered with many local non-profit organizations. These groups are the hands and feet of change in our city. North Texas Giving Day (September 20, 2018) gives you and your family the opportunity to be philanthropists and come alongside one or more of these groups to further their work!
The Together Project is a Fort Worth Moms Blog initiative to support local non-profits impacting women and children in North Texas and to mobilize FWMB readers to meet immediate needs. We are honored to partner with Alliance for Children, who work to prevent child abuse in Tarrant County and to assist children who've endured abuse. Together -- because your family is my family.
Giving has been the theme of September -- and rightly so -- as so much devastation has wrecked our state thanks to Harvey and our friends impacted by Irma. Yet, this North Texas Day of Giving, we do not need to grow weary in giving, but further challenge ourselves to be generous with our time, efforts, and money.
These are real, tangible ways parents in Tarrant County and surrounding areas can assist the recovery and emergency efforts happening in DFW and in southeast Texas.

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