It may not be our fault. We may be innocent in and of ourselves, but these are issues we have inherited and sadly they are now ours to deal with.
I can tell you with complete confidence that I will not make it through this list. I'll barely scratch the surface, but a mom can book dream, right?!
Our kids need other family members. They need friends. They need teachers. They need enemies for Pete's sake. They need neighbors and piano teachers and coaches and pastors and priests and . . . you get the idea.
Fertility issues are very present and will continue to be -- but the issues are not without hope and, yes, even healing.
Because you’re a person, you’re worthy. You’re incredibly made. You’re fascinating to get to know.
If you’re looking for your own voice, take it one day at a time. Look around you at the inspirational women in our own Fort Worth community. Women are paving the way one step at a time, and you can, too.
Picking one word helps to establish new habits and new patterns of thinking instead of driving toward a specific outcome. The idea is a perspective shift, which will be sustainable and lead to tangible results.