It wasn’t long after we brought our quadruplets home from the hospital that we realized sleep training would be critical for survival at our house. Our new normal involved caring for four premature infants around the clock, and if...
OK. Before you reach for the phone to call the authorities, I didn’t really punch my child. I did, however, push him backwards towards his pillow, which was much closer to the wall than I realized. He banged his...
Before we brought home baby, I had zero idea so many philosophies existed about a baby's sleep--and the shelves of consequent books. We found out our darling girl was ours on a Monday morning, and brought home our two-week-old beauty...
A roll of toilet paper or paper towels completely unraveled. Zip-lock bags and Cheerios strewn all over the floor. Little hands in dog bowls, drawers, and toilets. These are many of the things you'll find in our home on...
As the mother of four children under the age of three, I am a self-appointed double stroller expert. In fact, I currently own three double strollers: the Baby Jogger City Mini Double Stroller, the BOB Revolution SE Duallie, and the...
My youngest turned one last month. She's our second baby, a girl, and our sweet sunshine which lent itself well to the theme of her party: "you are my sunshine." At the outset, I intended to go all the...
Some children don’t take to the pacifier. But for those of you that do have "pacified" children, you know that taking it away is and will be no easy feat. I’m here to tell you they will survive and...

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7 Bike Shops in Tarrant County

Need a tune up, flat tire fix, wheel alignment, brake repair, or a bike itself? Visit these family-friendly bike shops in Tarrant County.