socks on the porch in fall

Seasons of Mom-ing

Life comes at us fast! We have seasons of life, we have seasons of marriage and friendship, and we have seasons of parenting. My hope is that this message can help fellow moms gain a bit of self awareness and perspective.
the importance of hobbies in motherhood

Why Moms Need Hobbies

Maybe you loved to color or paint (get an adult coloring book!), or maybe you loved being outside in the dirt (start a garden!), or maybe you loved to help your parent cook (cook!). A quick reflection on childhood can yield a lot of ideas.
Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to stop playing the comparison game. Honestly, I don't think it's possible. It's a part of human nature. I'm here to tell you the opposite -- you SHOULD compare your life to others. It can, in fact, make you a happier, more grateful person. It's all about the perspective you choose.
In the practice of becoming more open and vulnerable with you, I will admit this blog post was much more difficult to write than I expected due to the unresolved pain caused by others in the past over my food choices and habits. I believe people’s food choices should never be the subject of ridicule, judgement or backhanded comments.
I remember her gray hair and amused smile, there in the baby aisle at Target. I wrestled my two small sons very late in my third pregnancy. She clucked her tongue and said, "Oh, enjoy it while you can....
Every mama I know works tirelessly to take care of a number of things, both in and out of the house. Her standards are high when it comes to the care of her family, and she often meets or exceeds them. But most whom I know forget or neglect to take care of themselves, often leaving their tanks on "E."
My 50th birthday is a milestone that comes with reflection, especially after this last year of global pause. My gift to you on this prestigious occasion are these 50 lessons I’ve learned in my 50 years.

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7 Bike Shops in Tarrant County

Need a tune up, flat tire fix, wheel alignment, brake repair, or a bike itself? Visit these family-friendly bike shops in Tarrant County.