Fort Worth Moms Education Roundup

When it comes to your child’s education in the Fort Worth area, you have options! And we’ve curated a handy guide to help you navigate it all: “Fort Worth Moms Education Roundup.”

This resource lists daycares, preschools, homeschools, co-ops, private schools, charter schools, and public schools in and around Collin County. Keep scrolling to find related reads filled with tips and advice from Fort Worth moms who’ve been there.

Note: Private school admission events are going on NOW for Fall 2025. If you’re considering private school next year, it’s time to start looking!

For even MORE education options across DFW, check out these guides:

Get this and other hyperlocal resources delivered to your inbox by joining the Fort Worth Moms subscriber list. You can also join one or more of our Fort Worth Moms community groups to connect with other moms. We also produce the Momfessions Podcast. Listen today!

Follow along on:

Click the images below to find schools by category. 

Click the tabs below for related articles and resources.


Local Student Scholarships in the Fort Worth Area

Local scholarships can provide valuable financial support to students pursuing their academic goals.
overhead view of a pool with colorful inner tubes

2023 Summer Camp Guide for Fort Worth Kids

Disclaimer :: This guide contains content from featured sponsors. Looking to send your child to day camp or overnight camp this summer? Check out our...
Parents shake hands to agree on school tasks

Parents Should Agree on These 12 Things Before Their Child Starts School

Disclaimer :: While this article uses the two-parent household from her own experience, these tips can apply to single parents and other guardians or...
Kids who are homeschooled have many resource options.

The Back-to-School Adjustment

When our littles get back home at the end of a very full, exciting day, they're tired. At the beginning of the year, when they're not used to it, they are VERY tired.
University model schools can be a great schooling option.

Practical Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Season

Allow yourself a predetermined schedule that creates time for play, homework, snack, dinner, and some much-needed mom time.
Kids Lunch Box Featured

School Lunches :: No Need to Heat to Eat!

So right now, we are getting creative with food that can be eaten cold or at room temperature. Whether at home, at a pod, actually attending school, or anything in between, here are some of the current faves.
Books and Blocks

Guide to School Supplies

No matter what your school plan is for the fall, it's time to gear up and get ready. Grab your list and a big cup of coffee and hit the ground running.

PTA: Yay or Nay? {Finding Your Fit in School — Again}

The PTA needs you. I've yet to come across someone who says, "We have too many volunteers!" If you have something to offer, give it.
colored pencils

Questions to Ask on School Tours (Pre-K Edition)

As a pre-K teacher, I loved when parents had at least a couple of questions because it meant they were invested in finding the right fit for their students. So, if you're hitting the admission tours, I've compiled a list of some questions -- for the school, for the admissions director, and for the teacher -- to help you get started.
kid-friendly films

Real Movies for Preschoolers

Although I wistfully dream of my children playing outdoors for hours, then coming inside and happily doing crafts at the table while I bake...
Child's hand painted blue for fingerpainting at preschool

How to Pick a Preschool

When I finally walked into our preschool, however, there was lots of singing, dancing, and fun going on. I felt "at home," and I knew it was the place for my kid.
Kids Lunch Box Featured

Packing a Preschool Lunch

I've hesitated to send yogurt (due to rule number two -- keep it easy to clean up), but our yogurt-eating skills have come a long way, so I'm almost ready to take that plunge.

How to Be the Best Elementary School Mom Ever :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode...

You're in luck! In this episode, Beth and Emily chat with the wonderful Chalna, who we've dubbed the "best elementary school mom ever." And what makes her so great? You'll just have to take a listen to hear her six rules and all her hilarious antics.
Advocating for your elementary student

Elementary Moms :: Being Your Child’s Advocate

I started the meeting by asking if I might give some perspective, noting that I had failed to offer them important insight to my child. Instead of assuming they knew what I did, I asked if they would allow me to help them understand my child so we could all work toward solutions.
A seasoned mom shares advice to new elementary age school kids.

Advice for New Elementary Moms

We try to buy interesting, but not trendy, backpack patterns since these will last a little longer than one school year. May I suggest dark colors to hide the myriad of spills, markers, and ground crayons that will be absorbed? Similarly, get the good folders and the real pencils.

What We Wish We Knew About Kindergarten :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 40

It's magical and a mile marker -- in your child's life and yours. Beth and Emily -- and a few call-in friends -- share some secrets they wish they knew before the big kindergarten year. Take a listen!
Talk openly with your kids after a tragic event at school.

Active Parenting Drill: Talking to Kids About School Violence

Dismissing their fears by telling them a shooting could never happen at their school does them a disservice, could potentially harm them if they don't pay attention or if they disregard drills at school, and puts a kink in their ability to rely on you for accurate information. No one wants to talk to their kids about violence at school, but communicating with kids without sharing unnecessary details could save your child's life. 
Tips for parenting middle school kids

What We Wish We Knew About the Middle School Years :: Momfessions Podcast ::...

This episode is also known as the jackpot of parenting. Hear GREAT tips and encouragements from mothers, who have already walked through the middle school years with their kiddos.
Don't Buy Too Many School Supplies

5 Things to Know Before Starting Middle School

Elementary school has readiness tests, thousands of blogs, kindergarten round-Ups, playdates, and Boo-Hoo/Yahoo Breakfasts. Middle school did not have those same resources, so I found that he and I were very much winging it as we went along. 
Middle School Children

7 Tips for Middle School Transition :: Advice from a School Counselor

I have been a middle school educator for 15 years, so I have some pointers for you to make this transition much smoother. 
Encourage kids to develop a relationship with their high school counselor.

I Have a Ninth Grader :: Supporting Your Child’s Transition to High School

You are probably thinking back your high school experience and excited for your child, or you are full of dread that you are attempting to hide. You are probably trying to manage how to determine the level of support and guidance you should provide as your child is transitioning quickly to official adulthood.
Every mom of middle schoolers needs lots of grace, patience + a sense of humor.

The Sane Mom’s Guide to Parenting Middle School Kids

Meal times at home, bedtime routines, conversations in the car. Any time you can give your middle schooler some space to talk, connect, and just relax -- do it.

Local Student Scholarships in the Fort Worth Area

Local scholarships can provide valuable financial support to students pursuing their academic goals.
Staying honest and setting boundaries can help parents when their teenagers start dating.

Parenting High Schoolers Through Dating

We discussed the natural feelings of liking someone, handling this by choosing to sit together at lunch, or being part of group gatherings for birthdays or school events.  
Teens need adults to be a safe place.

What We Wish We Knew About Parenting High School Kids :: Momfessions Podcast ::...

If you are looking for mom-to-mom advice about parenting teenagers, then this is THE episode for you. The end. It's that good. That's all we have to say. 
A seasoned mom gives advice to moms of new high school kids.

For New High School Moms

Parenting high schoolers requires us to shift our strategies from how we were parented. It’s going to look different from “back in my day.” Rather than expect my kids to fit into the paradigm of my experience, I need to be willing to adapt to their reality.
Homeschooling is a great option for some families.

The Homeschool Choice {with Bonus Resources}

We are all doing our best, no matter what type of schooling is best for your family. I am excited for all of the schooling options that are now available. Homeschool groups, homeschool co-ops (where you can take single classes), partial-week schools, and democratic schools are just a few alternatives.
There are several factors to consider before deciding to homeschool your child.

So You’re Thinking About Homeschooling

You can create a truly personalized education plan for YOUR child. If something isn’t working, you can change it. This past school year, I changed my son’s math curriculum in November. I also took two months off from phonics, because he was dreading every lesson. Guess what. It was fine.
Two boys and two girls of college age walk down a tiled hall with their backs and backpacks

Preparing Your Heart and Home to Say Goodbye to Your College Kid :: Episode...

You'll find tips, laughs, and a tug or two at your heartstrings in this episode.
Older woman shrugs her shoulder about parenting young adults

What We Wish We Knew About Parenting College-Aged Kids :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode...

Not only are these young adult years stretching for the child, but they are also stretching for the parent. So, how can you best navigate them?
college moms

Calling All College Moms

I'm finding that box club is far more than a social gathering to me. It's a tangible way to mother in this new season. It's building community with other moms and showing love to our college kids who are scattered all across the country. It's the perfect combination of my love of event planning, bargain shopping, and creativity.

College Prep for Parents :: When to Save and How Much

According to the College Board, the average price of tuition for 2017 is $9,410 for a public four-year (in-state student) and $32,410 for a private four-year college. It is hard to know what it will cost in 18 years; many people say the trend of around a 6 percent annual increase will continue, while other reports think the bubble will burst at some point. What we can be certain of is the cost of tuition will be more than it is today.
A teacher helps a student at a desk.

Choosing One Child’s Educational Needs over the Others

I titled this article "When the School Year Isn't Going the Way You Hoped" intentionally because the school year likely feels pretty normal to my son by now.
Moms answer the question what it is like to parent a kid with ADHD

How to Reduce the Stigma of ADHD as a Parent

You have to give yourself grace through this journey. You will make a mistake and you will have amazing days.

3 Steps to Navigating Elementary School with an Autism Diagnosis

If you think your child might be on the autism spectrum, the earlier you get a diagnosis, the better equipped you'll be through the elementary years.
A resource guide for parents with kids on the autism spectrum.

Autism Resource Guide :: Diagnostics, Therapies, Programs, Schools, and Activities

To bring awareness year-round (don't forget to celebrate April as World Autism Month!), I've put together a resource guide for parents, children, and young adults that focuses specifically on Fort Worth.
atypical child

When the Path Through School Isn’t Easy :: Raising an Atypical Child

The academics, he mastered. He mastered them in a heartbeat. It was the "everything else" he wasn't mastering. The listening to directions, keeping hands to oneself, and keeping emotions in check were far from being mastered. We were on the verge of being kicked out of the employee daycare center. Our whole family seemed to be in a downward spiral, and we looked for something, anything, to stop it.
middle school transition

Along Came Middle School :: Helping Your Atypical Child Transition from Elementary School

Often, atypical kids are more anxious about everyday things that many kids do not even stress about. Prepping him on where he can find the bathroom, when and where he will eat, and how to open his locker will help him feel more comfortable with such a tremendous change in school settings.
General Education

Local Student Scholarships in the Fort Worth Area

Local scholarships can provide valuable financial support to students pursuing their academic goals.
overhead view of a pool with colorful inner tubes

2023 Summer Camp Guide for Fort Worth Kids

Disclaimer :: This guide contains content from featured sponsors. Looking to send your child to day camp or overnight camp this summer? Check out our...
Parents shake hands to agree on school tasks

Parents Should Agree on These 12 Things Before Their Child Starts School

Disclaimer :: While this article uses the two-parent household from her own experience, these tips can apply to single parents and other guardians or...
Kids who are homeschooled have many resource options.

The Back-to-School Adjustment

When our littles get back home at the end of a very full, exciting day, they're tired. At the beginning of the year, when they're not used to it, they are VERY tired.
University model schools can be a great schooling option.

Practical Tips for a Successful Back-to-School Season

Allow yourself a predetermined schedule that creates time for play, homework, snack, dinner, and some much-needed mom time.
Kids Lunch Box Featured

School Lunches :: No Need to Heat to Eat!

So right now, we are getting creative with food that can be eaten cold or at room temperature. Whether at home, at a pod, actually attending school, or anything in between, here are some of the current faves.
Books and Blocks

Guide to School Supplies

No matter what your school plan is for the fall, it's time to gear up and get ready. Grab your list and a big cup of coffee and hit the ground running.

PTA: Yay or Nay? {Finding Your Fit in School — Again}

The PTA needs you. I've yet to come across someone who says, "We have too many volunteers!" If you have something to offer, give it.
colored pencils

Questions to Ask on School Tours (Pre-K Edition)

As a pre-K teacher, I loved when parents had at least a couple of questions because it meant they were invested in finding the right fit for their students. So, if you're hitting the admission tours, I've compiled a list of some questions -- for the school, for the admissions director, and for the teacher -- to help you get started.
kid-friendly films

Real Movies for Preschoolers

Although I wistfully dream of my children playing outdoors for hours, then coming inside and happily doing crafts at the table while I bake...
Child's hand painted blue for fingerpainting at preschool

How to Pick a Preschool

When I finally walked into our preschool, however, there was lots of singing, dancing, and fun going on. I felt "at home," and I knew it was the place for my kid.
Kids Lunch Box Featured

Packing a Preschool Lunch

I've hesitated to send yogurt (due to rule number two -- keep it easy to clean up), but our yogurt-eating skills have come a long way, so I'm almost ready to take that plunge.
Elementary School

How to Be the Best Elementary School Mom Ever :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode...

You're in luck! In this episode, Beth and Emily chat with the wonderful Chalna, who we've dubbed the "best elementary school mom ever." And what makes her so great? You'll just have to take a listen to hear her six rules and all her hilarious antics.
Advocating for your elementary student

Elementary Moms :: Being Your Child’s Advocate

I started the meeting by asking if I might give some perspective, noting that I had failed to offer them important insight to my child. Instead of assuming they knew what I did, I asked if they would allow me to help them understand my child so we could all work toward solutions.
A seasoned mom shares advice to new elementary age school kids.

Advice for New Elementary Moms

We try to buy interesting, but not trendy, backpack patterns since these will last a little longer than one school year. May I suggest dark colors to hide the myriad of spills, markers, and ground crayons that will be absorbed? Similarly, get the good folders and the real pencils.

What We Wish We Knew About Kindergarten :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode 40

It's magical and a mile marker -- in your child's life and yours. Beth and Emily -- and a few call-in friends -- share some secrets they wish they knew before the big kindergarten year. Take a listen!
Talk openly with your kids after a tragic event at school.

Active Parenting Drill: Talking to Kids About School Violence

Dismissing their fears by telling them a shooting could never happen at their school does them a disservice, could potentially harm them if they don't pay attention or if they disregard drills at school, and puts a kink in their ability to rely on you for accurate information. No one wants to talk to their kids about violence at school, but communicating with kids without sharing unnecessary details could save your child's life. 
Middle School
Tips for parenting middle school kids

What We Wish We Knew About the Middle School Years :: Momfessions Podcast ::...

This episode is also known as the jackpot of parenting. Hear GREAT tips and encouragements from mothers, who have already walked through the middle school years with their kiddos.
Don't Buy Too Many School Supplies

5 Things to Know Before Starting Middle School

Elementary school has readiness tests, thousands of blogs, kindergarten round-Ups, playdates, and Boo-Hoo/Yahoo Breakfasts. Middle school did not have those same resources, so I found that he and I were very much winging it as we went along. 
Middle School Children

7 Tips for Middle School Transition :: Advice from a School Counselor

I have been a middle school educator for 15 years, so I have some pointers for you to make this transition much smoother. 
Encourage kids to develop a relationship with their high school counselor.

I Have a Ninth Grader :: Supporting Your Child’s Transition to High School

You are probably thinking back your high school experience and excited for your child, or you are full of dread that you are attempting to hide. You are probably trying to manage how to determine the level of support and guidance you should provide as your child is transitioning quickly to official adulthood.
Every mom of middle schoolers needs lots of grace, patience + a sense of humor.

The Sane Mom’s Guide to Parenting Middle School Kids

Meal times at home, bedtime routines, conversations in the car. Any time you can give your middle schooler some space to talk, connect, and just relax -- do it.
High School

Local Student Scholarships in the Fort Worth Area

Local scholarships can provide valuable financial support to students pursuing their academic goals.
Staying honest and setting boundaries can help parents when their teenagers start dating.

Parenting High Schoolers Through Dating

We discussed the natural feelings of liking someone, handling this by choosing to sit together at lunch, or being part of group gatherings for birthdays or school events.  
Teens need adults to be a safe place.

What We Wish We Knew About Parenting High School Kids :: Momfessions Podcast ::...

If you are looking for mom-to-mom advice about parenting teenagers, then this is THE episode for you. The end. It's that good. That's all we have to say. 
A seasoned mom gives advice to moms of new high school kids.

For New High School Moms

Parenting high schoolers requires us to shift our strategies from how we were parented. It’s going to look different from “back in my day.” Rather than expect my kids to fit into the paradigm of my experience, I need to be willing to adapt to their reality.
Homeschooling is a great option for some families.

The Homeschool Choice {with Bonus Resources}

We are all doing our best, no matter what type of schooling is best for your family. I am excited for all of the schooling options that are now available. Homeschool groups, homeschool co-ops (where you can take single classes), partial-week schools, and democratic schools are just a few alternatives.
There are several factors to consider before deciding to homeschool your child.

So You’re Thinking About Homeschooling

You can create a truly personalized education plan for YOUR child. If something isn’t working, you can change it. This past school year, I changed my son’s math curriculum in November. I also took two months off from phonics, because he was dreading every lesson. Guess what. It was fine.
Two boys and two girls of college age walk down a tiled hall with their backs and backpacks

Preparing Your Heart and Home to Say Goodbye to Your College Kid :: Episode...

You'll find tips, laughs, and a tug or two at your heartstrings in this episode.
Older woman shrugs her shoulder about parenting young adults

What We Wish We Knew About Parenting College-Aged Kids :: Momfessions Podcast :: Episode...

Not only are these young adult years stretching for the child, but they are also stretching for the parent. So, how can you best navigate them?
college moms

Calling All College Moms

I'm finding that box club is far more than a social gathering to me. It's a tangible way to mother in this new season. It's building community with other moms and showing love to our college kids who are scattered all across the country. It's the perfect combination of my love of event planning, bargain shopping, and creativity.

College Prep for Parents :: When to Save and How Much

According to the College Board, the average price of tuition for 2017 is $9,410 for a public four-year (in-state student) and $32,410 for a private four-year college. It is hard to know what it will cost in 18 years; many people say the trend of around a 6 percent annual increase will continue, while other reports think the bubble will burst at some point. What we can be certain of is the cost of tuition will be more than it is today.
Differences & Disabilities
A teacher helps a student at a desk.

Choosing One Child’s Educational Needs over the Others

I titled this article "When the School Year Isn't Going the Way You Hoped" intentionally because the school year likely feels pretty normal to my son by now.
Moms answer the question what it is like to parent a kid with ADHD

How to Reduce the Stigma of ADHD as a Parent

You have to give yourself grace through this journey. You will make a mistake and you will have amazing days.

3 Steps to Navigating Elementary School with an Autism Diagnosis

If you think your child might be on the autism spectrum, the earlier you get a diagnosis, the better equipped you'll be through the elementary years.
A resource guide for parents with kids on the autism spectrum.

Autism Resource Guide :: Diagnostics, Therapies, Programs, Schools, and Activities

To bring awareness year-round (don't forget to celebrate April as World Autism Month!), I've put together a resource guide for parents, children, and young adults that focuses specifically on Fort Worth.
atypical child

When the Path Through School Isn’t Easy :: Raising an Atypical Child

The academics, he mastered. He mastered them in a heartbeat. It was the "everything else" he wasn't mastering. The listening to directions, keeping hands to oneself, and keeping emotions in check were far from being mastered. We were on the verge of being kicked out of the employee daycare center. Our whole family seemed to be in a downward spiral, and we looked for something, anything, to stop it.
middle school transition

Along Came Middle School :: Helping Your Atypical Child Transition from Elementary School

Often, atypical kids are more anxious about everyday things that many kids do not even stress about. Prepping him on where he can find the bathroom, when and where he will eat, and how to open his locker will help him feel more comfortable with such a tremendous change in school settings.